格林童话 巴菲特1998年佛罗里达大学商学院演讲轰动开场(中英对照):东谈主品第一
发布日期:2024-12-04 13:06    点击次数:54

格林童话 巴菲特1998年佛罗里达大学商学院演讲轰动开场(中英对照):东谈主品第一




























Buffett: Testing, one million, two million, three million. Seems to be working.


I’d like to just say a few words primarily and then the highlight for me will be getting your questions in a few minutes. I want to talk about what is on your mind.


I urge you to throw hard balls. It’s more fun for me if you put a little speed on your pitches as they come in. You can ask about anything except last week’s taxes I gave. That’s off limits.


I would like to talk for just one minute up to the students about your future when you leave here. You’re gonna learn a tremendous amount about investments and you will learn enough to do well, you’ve all got the IQ to do well, you’ve all got the initiative and energy to do well, or you wouldn’t be here, and most of you will succeed in meeting your aspirations, but in determining whether you succeed there is more to it than intellect and energy. I would like to talk for just a second about that.



In fact, there was a fellow, Pete Kiewit, in Omaha, who used to say that he looked for three things in hiring people. 

He looks for integrity, intelligence and energy, and he said if that person did not have the first two, the later two would kill him. Because if they don’t have integrity, you want them to be dumb and lazy, you don’t want them to be smart and energetic. 

I really like to talk about that first one, because we know you have got the second two.



Play along with me in a little game for just a second in terms of thinking about that question. You’ve all been here, I guess, almost all of your second year MBAs and you’ve gotten to know your classmates. Think for a moment that I granted you the right to buy 10% of one of your classmates for the rest of his or her lifetime. You can’t pick one with a rich father, that doesn’t count; you’ve got to pick somebody who is going to do it on their own merit. I’ll give you an hour to think about it.


Which one are you gonna pick among all your classmates as the one you want to own 10% for the rest of his or her lifetime? Are you gonna give them an IQ test and pick the one with the highest IQ? I doubt it. Are you gonna pick the one with the best grades? Er…I doubt it. You are not gonna pick the most energetic one necessarily, you are the one who display the most initiative.


You are going to start looking for qualitative factors in addition to (quantitive factors), because everybody has enough brains and energy.

I would say if you have thought about it for an hour and decided who you are gonna place that bet on, you’d probably pick the one who you responded the best to, the one who is going to have the leadership qualities, the one who is going to be able to get other people to carry out their interests, and that would be the person who was generous, honest, and gave credit to other people even for their own ideas. All kinds of qualities like that, and you could write down those qualities that you admire in this other person, whoever you admire the most in the class.


And then, I would throw in a hooker, I would say as part of owning 10% of this person, you have to agree to go short 10% of somebody else in this class. That’s more fun, isn’t it? Then you will think who do I want to go short of? Again you wouldn’t pick the person with the lowest IQ, you would start thinking about the person, really, who turned you off for one reason or another. They have various qualities quite apart from their academic achievement. But they have various qualities, in the end, you really don’t want to be around with them, and other people don’t want to be around with them. What were the qualities that lead to that? That would be a whole bunch of things. You know it’s the person who is egotistical, or it’s the person who is greedy, or it’s the person who is slightly dishonest and cuts corners. All of these qualities. You can write those down on the right-hand side of the page.


As you look at those qualities on the right and left hand side, there is one interesting thing about them. It’s not the ability to throw football 60 yards. It’s not the quality to run a 100-yard dash in 9'3'. It’s not being the best-looking person in the class. 

They are all qualities that if you really want to have the ones on the left-hand side, you can have them.



I mean, they are qualities of behavior, temperament, character that are achievable. They are not forbidden to anybody in this group.

If you look at the qualities on the right-hand side, the ones that you find turn you off in other people, there is not a quality there that you have to have. If you have it you can…you can get rid of it. You can get rid of it a lot easier in your age than you can in my age.

Because most behavior is habitual, and they say the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. There is no question about that. 

I see people with these self-destructive behavior patterns at my age or even 10 or 20 years younger. They really are entrapped by them. They go around and they do things that turn off other people right and left. They don’t need to be that way but by a certain point they get so they can hardly change it. But at your age you can have any habits, any patterns of behavior that you wish. It’s simply a question of which you decide and want to decide the ones that…I mean…if you like.





Ben Graham did this…Ben Franklin did this before him. Ben Graham in his low teens…looked around…he looked at the people he admired and he said that you know, “I want to be admired, so why don’t I just behave like them?” He found there was nothing impossible about behaving like them. Similarly he did the same thing on the reverse side in terms of getting rid of those qualities. So I would suggest that if you write those qualities down and think about them a little while and make them habitual. You will be the one that you want to buy 10 percent when you get all of them. The beauty of it is you have already own 100% of yourself and you are stuck with it. So you might as well be that person, that somebody else.


Well that is a short little sermon. So let’s get on to what you are interested in and like I said you can go all over the lot. I don’t know exactly how we’re going to handle this. But let’s start with the hand in somewhere or the other. Where should we go with the first one? You, right here!


















好品性:憨厚梗直 委宛大方 不愧不怍 有遭殃感 融合友善

坏品性:见机而作 自暗里利 茫无涯际 撒谎成性 弄虚乌有 死爱好意思瞻念 怨天尤东谈主 知错不改格林童话


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